General History of Africa/Volume IV/Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh Century/Contents
Djibril Tamsir Niane. 2008 UNESCO — General History of Africa Volume IV Africa from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century Djibril Tamsir Niane, editor, 1984, 752 pp. Contents List of figures List of plates Acknowledgements for plates Note on chronology Preface Amadou-Mahtar M'bow, Director-General of Unesco Description of the Project B. A. Ogot, President of the International...
Joseph Ki-Zerbo (1922-2006)
Joseph Ki-Zerbo (21 juin 1922 — 4 décembre 2006) Biographie Bibliographie Histoire de l'Afrique Noire. D'hier à Demain ...
2. — M. El Fasi and I. Hrbek The coming of Islam and the expansion of the Muslim empire
UNESCO — General History of Africa Volume I. Methodology and African Prehistory Joseph Ki-Zerbo, ed. 1981, 820 pp. 2. — M. El Fasi and I. Hrbek The coming of Islam and the expansion of the Muslim empire In Chapter I an attempt was made to look at the main events...
Thomas L. Hodgkin/African Political Parties
Thomas L. Hodgkin (1910-1982) Penguin Books. Baltimore. 1961. African Series coll. David & Helen Kimble, eds. 217 p. Born in 1910, Thomas Hodgkin went to school at Winchester and read Classics and Philosophy at Balliol College, Oxford. He worked for several years in Palestine, first as an...
General History of Africa/Volume 7/From 1905 to 1940
The Cambridge History of Africa. Volume 7, From 1905 to 1940 A. D. Roberts, ed. 1986. 29 maps 5 tables 1087 pages By 1905 most of Africa had been subjected to European rule; in the 1940s, the colonial regimes faced widespread and mounting opposition. Yet the period surveyed...
Histoire de l’Afrique Noire. D’hier à Demain/Introduction
Joseph Ki-Zerbo Histoire de l'Afrique Noire. D'hier à Demain/Introduction Paris. Hatier. 1978. 731 p., xxxi ill. « Souviens-toi ! Le souvenir est plein d'enseignements utiles ; dans ses replis, il y a de quoi désaltérer l'élite de ceux qui viennent boire. » Sidi Yaya cité par Es-Saadi dans le Tarikh...
Reine Ranavalona III
Reine Ranavalona III, Madagascar (1883-1896). Avec son petit front volontaire et son grand air de dignité racée : « Si quelqu'un veut prendre un morceau de cette terre, ne serait-ce qu'un cheveu, je me mettrai en avant comme si j'étais un homme… » (Ph. Almasy)...