General History of Africa/Volume II/Ancient civilizations of Africa/Contents
UNESCO — General History of Africa
List of figures
List of plates
Acknowledgements for plates
Note on chronology
G. Mokhtar with the collaboration of J. Vercoutter
- Origin of the ancient Egyptians
Cheikh Anta Diop
Annex to Chapter I: Report of the symposium on “The Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic Script” - Pharaonic Egypt
N. Abu Bakr - Pharaonic Egypt: society, economy and culture
J. Yoyotte - Egypt’s relations with the rest of Africa
A. H. Zayed with the collaboration of J. Devisse - The legacy of Pharaonic Egypt
R. El-Nadoury with the collaboration of J. Vercoutter - Egypt in the hellenistic era
H. Riad with the collaboration of J. Devisse - Egypt under Roman domination
S. Donadoni - The importance of Nubia: a link between Central Africa and the Mediterranean
S. Adam with the collaboration of J. Vercoutter - Nubia before Napata (—3100 to — 750)
N. M. Sherif - The empire of Kush: Napata and Meroe
J. Leclant - The civilization of Napata and Meroe
A. A. Haken with the collaboration of I. Hrbek and J. Vercoutter - The spreading of Christianity in Nubia
K. Michalowski - Pre-Aksumite culture
H. de Contenson - The civilization of Aksum from the first to the seventh century
F. Ranfray - Aksum: political system, economics and culture, first to fourth century
Y. M. Kobishanov - Christian Aksum
T. T. Mekouria - The proto-Berbers
J. Desanges - The Carthaginian period
B. H. Warmington - The Roman and post-Roman period in North Africa
A. Mahjoubi and P. Salama - The Sahara in classical antiquity
P. Salama - Introduction to the later prehistory of sub-Saharan Africa
M. Posnansky - The East African coast and its role in maritime trade
A. M. H. Sheriff - East Africa before the seventh century
J. E. G. Sutton - West Africa before the seventh century
B. Wai Andah - Central Africa
F. Van Noten with the collaboration of D. Cahen and P. de Maret - Southern Africa: hunters and food-gatherers
J. E. Parkington - The beginnings of the iron age in southern Africa
D. W. Phillipson - Madagascar
P. Verin - The societies of Africa south of the Sahara in the early iron age
M. Posnansky
G. Mokhtar
- Members of the International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa
- Biographies of Authors
- Bibliography
- Indexes
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