Methodology and African Prehistory/Contents
UNESCO — General History of Africa
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List of figures
List of plates
List of tables
Amadou-Mahtar M’bow, Director-General of Unesco
Description of the Project
B. A. Ogot, President of the International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa
Note on chronology
General introduction I
J. Ki-Zerbo
- The development of African historiography
J. D. Fage - The place of history in African society
Boubou Hama and J. Ki-Zerbo - Recent trends in African historiography and their contribution to history in general
P. D. Curtin - Sources and specific techniques used in African history: general outline
T. Obenga - Written sources before the fifteenth century
H. Djait - Written sources from the fifteenth century onwards
I. Hrbek - Oral tradition and its methodology
J. Vansina - The living tradition
A. Hampâté Bâ - African archaeology and its techniques including dating techniques
Z. Iskander - History and linguistics
P. Diagne - Editorial note: theories on the ‘races’ and history of Africa
J. Ki-Zerbo - Migrations and ethnic and linguistic differentiations
D. Olderogge - African linguistic classification
J.H. Greenberg - Appendix to Chapter 12: the language map of Africa
D. Dalby - Historical geography: physical aspects
S. Diarra - Historical geography: economic aspects
A. L. Mabogunje - The interdisciplinary methods adopted in this study
J. Ki-Zerbo - Chronological framework: African pluvial and glacial epochs
Part I — R. Saïd
Part II — H. Faure - Hominization: general problems
Part I — Y. Coppens
Part II — L. Balout - African fossil man
R. Leakey - The prehistory of East Africa
J. E. G. Sutton - Prehistory in Southern Africa
J. D. Clark - The prehistory of Central Africa
Part I — R. De Bayle des Hermens
Part II — F. Van Noten
with the collaboration of P. de Maret, J. Moeyersons, K. Muya and E. Roche - The prehistory of North Africa
L. Balout - The prehistory of the Sahara
H. J. Hugot - The prehistory of West Africa
C. T. Shaw - Prehistory in the Nile valley
F. Debono - African prehistoric art
J. Ki-Zerbo - Origins, development and expansion of agricultural techniques
R. Porares and J. Barrau - Discovery and diffusion of metals and development of social systems up to the Fifth century before our era
J. Vercoutter
Conclusion: from nature in the raw to liberated humanity
J. Ki-Zerbo
- List of Members of the International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa
- Biographies of Authors
- Bibliography
N.B. Mrs Catherine Perlès contributed to the finalization of Chapters 19, 20, 21 and 24.
Mrs Hélène Roche provided some additional items of information to Chapter
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