
Chinua Achebe

Literature/Chinua Achebe

Chinua Achebe

Chinua Achebe



  • Things fall apart
  • “Accountable to our society”
  • No longer at ease. New York. I. Obolensky. 1961
  • The sacrificial egg, and other short stories. Onitsha. Etudo. 1962
  • Arrow of God. London,, Heinemann. 1964
  • Chike and the river. Cambridge Eng., University Press. 1966
  • A man of the people. London, Heinemann. 1966
  • The insider; stories of war and peace from Nigeria. Enugu, Nigeria. Nwankwo-Ifejika. 1971
  • Beware soul-brother, and other poems. Enugu Nigeria, Nwankwo-Ifejika. 1971
  • Girls at war and other stories. London, Heinemarnn Educational. 1972
  • Christmas in Biafra, and other poems. Garden City, N.Y. Anchor Books. 1973
  • Morning yet on creation day : essays. Garden City, N.Y., Anchor Press. 1975
  • The flute : a children’s story. Enugu Nigeria, Fourth Dimension. 1977
  • Aka weta : egwu aguluagu egwu edeluede. Nsukka, Nigeria, Okike. 1982
  • The trouble with Nigeria. Enugu, Nigeria, Fourth Dimension Publishers. 1983
  • Anthills of the Savannah. London, Heinemann. 1987
  • Hopes and impediments : selected essays, 1965-1987. London, Heinemann. 1988
  • The university and the leadership factor in Nigerian politics. Enugu, Nigeria, Abic Books & Equipment. 1988
  • Arrow of God. New York, Anchor Books. 1989
    A tale of the colonial and missionary encroachment upon traditional Ibo culture, and excerpts from Anthills of the savannah, a novel about the making of a dictator in contemporary Africa.
  • Hopes and impediments : selected essays. New York, Doubleday. 1989
  • A man of the people. New York, Anchor Books. 1989
  • Chinua Achebe : a bio-bibliography. Nsukka, University of Nigeria Nsukka. 1990
  • The voter. Johannesburg, Viva Books : Thorold’s Africana Books. 1994
  • Echi di ime : taa bu gboo. Owerri Nigeria, Achiday osis Katolik nke Owerri. 1999
  • Home and exile. Oxford ; New York, Oxford University Press. 2000
  • Things fall apart : with related readings. St. Paul, Minn., EMC/Paradigm Pub. 2002
  • Collected poems. New York, Anchor Books. 2004
  • The education of a British-protected child : essays. New York, Alfred A. Knopf. 2009
  • The Steve Biko memorial lectures : 2000-2008. South Africa, Picador Africa. 2009
  • Achebe, C. & Beyond Hunger Project. Beyond hunger in Africa : conventional wisdom and an African vision. Nairobi London; Heinemann/J. Currey. 1990
  • Achebe, C., K. Bonetti, et al.Chinua Achebe interview with Kay Bonetti. Columbia, MO, American Audio Prose Library.
  • Achebe, C. and Catholic Institute for Development Justice and Peace (Enugu Nigeria). First Festival on Igbo civilization : art exhibition in commemoration of the golden jubilee of Chinua Achebe’s Things fall apart. Nigeria, CIDJAP. 2009
  • Achebe, C. and E. Ihekweazu. Eagle on Iroko : selected papers from the Chinua Achebe International Symposium, 1990. Ibadan, Heinemann Educational Books (Nigeria). 1996
  • Achebe, C. and C. L. Innes. African short stories. London ; Portsmouth, N.H., USA, Heinemann. 1985
  • Achebe, C. and C. L. Innes. The Heinemann book of contemporary African short stories. Oxford ; Portsmouth, N.H., Heinemann. 1992
  • Achebe, C. and A. Irele. Things fall apart : authoritative text, contexts and criticism. New York, W. W. Norton & Co. 2009
  • Achebe, C., J. Iroaganachi, et al.How the leopard got his claws. New York,, Third Press. 1973
  • Achebe, C. and B. Lindfors. Conversations with Chinua Achebe. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi. 1997
  • Achebe, C., Nigerian Television Authority., et al.. Things fall apart : [episodes 1 through 13]. United States, Sudania, Inc. 1990
    Historical and cultural epic of Nigeria.
  • Achebe, C. and J. Roper. The drum : a children’s story. Enugu, Fourth Dimension. 1977
  • Moore, G., C. Achebe, et al.Things fall apart — Chinua Achebe. London, Heinemann Educational for the British Broadcasting Corporation and the British Council on behalf of the British Ministry of Overseas Development. 1974
  • Baldwin, J., C. Achebe, et al.A tribute to James Baldwin : Black writers redefine the struggle : proceedings of a conference at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, April 22-23, 1988 Amherst, Mass., Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities : Distributed by University of Massachusetts Press. 1989
  • Achebe, C. and University of Nigeria Nsukka. Faculty of Arts. Eagle on Iroko : book of abstracts : international symposium for Chinua Achebe’s 60th birthday. Nsukka, Faculty of Arts, University of Nigeria. 1990
  • Nwabueze, E. and C. Achebe. When the arrow rebounds : (a dramatized recreation of Chinua Achebe’s Arrow of God). Enugu, Nigeria, ABIC Publishers. 1991
  • Lyons, R. and C. Achebe. Another Africa. New York, Anchor Books. 1998
  • Achebe, C. and S. Widner. Things fall apart : an adapted classic. Upper Saddle River, N.J., Globe Fearon. 2000
  • Enwezor, O., C. Achebe, et al.The short century : independence and liberation movements in Africa, 1945-1994. Munich ; New York, Prestel. 2001
  • Achebe, C., D. U. Opata, et al.The eagle in ascendance : more papers from the Chinua Achebe International Symposium, 1990, with new essays added. Ibadan Nigeria, Heinemann Educational Books (Nigeria) Plc. 2005
  • Achebe, C. and C. N. Adichie. The African trilogy : Things fall apart ; No longer at ease ; Arrow of God. New York, Alfred A. Knopf. 2010
  • Achebe, C. and E. Rodriguez. Chike and the river. New York, Anchor Books. 2011
    When an eleven-year-old Nigerian boy leaves his small village to live with his uncle in the city, he is exposed to a range of new experiences and becomes fascinated with crossing the Niger River on a ferry boat.




Bienvenue dans mon monde d'exploration et de découverte ! Je suis Ingrid Allain, une voyageuse passionnée avec une curiosité insatiable pour la riche tapisserie de la culture africaine. Pour moi, l'Afrique n'est pas juste une destination ; c'est une fascination de toute une vie et une source d'inspiration. Des rythmes vibrants des cercles de tambours d'Afrique de l'Ouest à la perlerie complexe des artisans Maasaï, chaque coin de ce continent détient un trésor de traditions à découvrir. À travers mes écrits, je vise à partager la beauté, la diversité et la résilience des cultures africaines avec le monde. E-mail: [email protected] / Linkedin
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